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A Place to Dance

2024-2025 Class Schedule


We offer in person and remote classes. Remote classes are provided via zoom and will follow the same schedule as our in person options. 


Studio A

3:00 Private

4:00 Ballet/ Jazz combo (3-5)

5:00  Jr. Jazz (9-12)

6:00 Competition Tumbling **(9+)

6:45 Musical Theater (10+)

7:45 Sr. Jazz (10+)

Studio B

5:00 Boys Hip hop (9-12)

6:00 Private

7:00 Sr. Hip Hop/Hip Hop Team (12+)


Studio A

2:00 Mommy & Me (18mos to 3)***

4:00 Beg Ballet/Lyrical (6-9)

5:00 Ballet/Jazz combo (4-6)

6:00 Beg/Int Jazz (7-10)

7:00 Tumbling  2 (8-10)

8:00 Sr. Tap/Tap Team (12+)    

Studio B

5:00 Private

6:00 Private

7:00 Irish (6+)


Studio A

10:00 Mommy & Me (18mos to 3)***

4:15-5:00 Intro to Dance (3-5)

5:00 Tumbling 3  (8-12)

6:00 Jr. Hip Hop  (9-13)

7:00 Jr. lyrical 1 (9-12)

8:00 Sr. Modern (14+)

Studio B

5:00 Beg Jazz (4-6)

6:00 Beg Lyrical(4-6)

7:00 Private

8:00 Private


Studio A

3:00 Private

4:15 Competition Ballet (9 and up)*

5:15- 5:45 Mini*

5:30-6:30 Jr. I & Jr. II*

6:30-7:15 Jr. III, Sr. I and Sr. II*

7:15 Jr. Contemporary (10-13)

8:15 Sr. contemporary (14+)

Studio B

4:00 Competition Ballet (6-9)




Studio A

3:30 Private

4:30 Tumbling1(4-6)

5:30-7:00 Advanced Ballet/Pointe **

7:00 Sr. Lyrical (14+)

Studio B

5:00 Private


Studio A

9:00 Competition Technique/Rehearsal(as called)*

10:00 Adv. Beg Ballet (8+)****

11:00 Ballet/ Jazz Combo (4-6)

12:00 Privates/Duo/Trios    

Studio B

9:00 Stretch/Conditioning 

10:00-10:45 Intro to Dance (3-5) ****

11:00 Private

* Class to open to APTD Competition Team Members Only. Call for information on competition team.*

**Pointe by Studio Director recommendation only**

***Mommy & Me Drop in rate $15/class or regular monthly rate $55***

****Special Saturday rate****

Age requirements may be waived solely at the discretion of Studio Director

All classes are one hour unless otherwise  noted.

Effective 8/13/2024

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