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APTD COVID 19 Procedures & Policies

At APTD, the safety of our students is our top priority.  


The following precautions and policies are constantly amended based upon updated guidance from the CDC, ACA, and state Health Departments. Some information may change over time as recommendations/guidance change or are updated.

 At home Zoom classes will be available for each session.

This information represents our policies as of 8/4/20. 

Please arrive no more than five minutes prior to the class start time.

Thermometer Temperature Testing: Upon entry, dancers will be temperature checked with a point and click contactless thermometer an/or parent verification of health. Any dancer with a temperature of 100.4 degrees will be sent home.

Sanitization: Hand sanitizer will be available to dancers at all times.

Attire: Dancers must arrive to the studio fully dressed and prepared to take class. Dancers are not permitted to use the bathroom to change into dance attire.

Belongings: Dancers should arrive with minimal personal belongings. All belongings must be securely kept in their bag in a marked space outside of the studio. 

Masks Required: Dancers are required to wear masks at all times in the building and during class. Please refer to the CDC Cloth Face Coverings Information page. Cloth face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer in unknowingly infected but does not have symptoms.

As the mask may become sweaty in dance class, we suggest bringing a second mask to wear after dance.

Visitors: There will be no visitors or tours of the studio during class time.

Payments: Online payment via PayPal or Venmo is preferred.

Studio Space:

6 by 6 feet blocks of space are taped our on the studio floors to allow dancers to distance from one another. There will be no activity that require direct or indirect contact with others or shared space such as partnering.

6 foot spaces will be indicated on the ballet barres to ensure dancers stand distanced from one another.

Each studio space has been outfitted with an air purifier.  We will also utilize fans to increase air flow.  HVAC filters are changed regularly.  

Dancer Limit: 8 students Studio A.  4 students Studio B.  Any additional registrations will dance via zoom.  Classes are filled first paid first enrolled.

Consistent Dancer Groups: Dancers will remain in the same groups to limit the contact between dancers and any intermingling of groups.

Dancers are encouraged to go to the bathroom before arriving to the studio.

No parents, siblings, friends or family members will be permitted to congregate or wait in the lobby area.

All classes will allow five minutes at start and end of class to allow for dancers to sanitize enter/exit the studio and allow for disinfection.  

Disinfecting: Barres will be disinfected after each use.  High contact areas will be disinfected multiple times each day.

COVID-19 Response:

It is our expectation that you will notify us if any member of your household tests positive for COVID-19. If a family member has been diagnosed with COVID-19, self quarantine for 14 days before attending.  Dancers will be provided with zoom links in this instance.  

Dancers who have been in close contact to a person with COVID-19, self quarantine for 14 days before attending. Dancers will be provided with zoom links in this instance. .

We will follow the guidelines set by the Department of Health for contact tracing.

Communication: Please communicate to your children all of the guidelines.

Illness Absences: Any dancer who feels ill is encouraged to stay home. Dancers will be screened for fever or signs of COVID-19 illness prior to being permitted to enter our studios and participating in class.

If a dancer exhibits signs of illness during class, we will call the dancer’s parent to be picked up.

If a dancer has any symptoms of COVID-19 including cough, shortness of breath, or a temperature of 100.4 please stay home. Zoom link will be provided.

If anybody in your direct family has a fever of 100.4 please do not attend the class. Zoom link will be provided.

No Physical Contact: Dancers must not engage in physical contact such as high fives with one another.

Hand Washing Required: Dancers are required to wash their hands/utliize hand sanitizer before class and between classes. 

Dancers are not permitted to bring food or snacks into APTD.

If a dancer exhibits signs of illness during class, we will call the dancer’s parent to be picked up.

APTD Staff will wear cloth masks inside the building at all times.

APTD Staff will have break time for regular hand washing.

APTD Staff will self-regulate and follow the same protocols as we ask of our dancers. If a teacher shows any symptoms they will be asked to leave the building.

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